Life After Ph.D. is a weekly webcomic that follows Our Indefatigable Hero, Mr. Dr. Rectangle, as he navigates the anxiety, depression, despair, and woe of modern life. Joining Dr. Rectangle on this gay geek entwicklungsroman is his significant lover, Mr. Arrow, and a cast of thousands ehh... about ten. Updates every Wednesday [or thereabouts].
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Twenty-One: SXSMadness, 2010

South By was supposed to be AWESOME this year. The BFFs came down, I'm getting my tax refund tomorrow, it was ALL supposed to work, SXSFUN! But no. The BFF totaled her car, I spent all night in the hospital, all day the next day dealing with insurance and a towing company in the middle of nowhere... ugh. Everyone is fine, but ugh.

Also, I've had a huge crush on one of the guys who works at I Luv Video, and I wanted to make a comic about it.

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