Life After Ph.D. is a weekly webcomic that follows Our Indefatigable Hero, Mr. Dr. Rectangle, as he navigates the anxiety, depression, despair, and woe of modern life. Joining Dr. Rectangle on this gay geek entwicklungsroman is his significant lover, Mr. Arrow, and a cast of thousands ehh... about ten. Updates every Wednesday [or thereabouts].
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Fifty-Five: Ciao!

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I got an awesome new job. My old job can shove it; I got an AWESOME NEW JOB!!!

Yay, me.


Fifty-Four: Telephone, a Gaga Tribute

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Significant Lover has been singing "Telephone" non-stop for two weeks. I had to do something about it.

If you haven't seen the Lady Gaga & Beyoncé video for "Telephone" this might not make any sense to you. If you have seen it, I hope you enjoyed the LAPhD take on it.


Fifty-Three: Interruptus

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Today's comic may or may not be directly related to this week's Boilerplate 3.0 post, "Notes from under the ground".

Nah, it isn't. It is, however, symbolic of the many pies I currently have my fingers in. For example, I reopened my LiveJournal account for some diary-style blogging not appropriate for the more journalistic Boilerplate 3.0. But that's just the start of it. Additionally, not only is there Boilerplate 3.0 - The Blog!, but this week will also see the launch of Boilerplate Media (aka BPM), the promotions/marketing company I'm starting, which, in addition to providing me with real freelance work, also functions as the umbrella for my various other media projects, including The 9, Popular Linguistics Online, Life After Ph.D., and The Apophenia of Modernity. AND, on top of all that, I'm still trying to be an academic and get the website for the Texas English Project running smoothly before the end of August. Whew!

I decided to be awesome this month.

Also: Yes, those are vuvuzela.


Fifty-Two: Like sands through the hourglass...

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Prince of Persia was a really REALLY bad movie.

Also, Significant Lover really does have a large knife/dagger collection.

That is all.


Fifty-One: Lovesong

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Absolutely any Sunday-Funnies-style webcomic around today owes a huge debt of gratitude to Randall Munroe and xkcd. Thank you, Mr. Munroe.

However, though xkcd will always be my first love, it's not what got me into webcomic-ing. That honor goes to (a suggestion by my friend, Ali Rex, and) Hijinks Ensue. You're tribute is coming, HE, I promise!


Fifty: Tooth Truth.

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For those of you who don't know, this past weekend I got my tooth broken. Not "chipped" as some people have been saying, but 1/4-of-my-tooth-got-knocked-out *broken*. I have been made ugly. Le sigh...

There are two possible versions of the story of how I lost my tooth. One involves my valiant fight against Nazi Werewolves, one involves an over-excited Significant Lover at the QueerBomb Party. Which is real and which is imaginary? You be the judge.


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Yeah, yeah, yeah. This comic isn't very funny. Well, there are two reasons for that. (a, the political reason) A 10% chunk of the population being denied basic rights isn't very funny, and
(b, the real reason) There was originally a six-panel Austin Pride hilarity that came before this, and this 'soap box comic' was just tacked on at the end, but because I'm an idiot, I didn't save any of my six-panel hilarity in the process of making it, and then my Photoshop crashed and I lost everything—ALL FOUR HOURS OF WORK, GONE. It was a really, really, REALLY upsetting moment. Here's what the world will never get:
Austin Pride Chairman Chad Peevy as Emperor Palpatine; Non-Profit Ewoks; Sacrificial Ponies; Gay Storm Troopers; Sandra Bernhard as C3PO; a Peevy Media Deathstar; Austin QueerBomb organizer Silky Shoemaker as She-Ra; She-Ra's trusty steed, Swiftwind; dancing; rainbow star explosions.

So pissed at Photoshop right now...


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