S03eF - Lost In Time! Part 3: Turning Points.
Mr. Arrow is right. I've gone overboard. I swear this time-travel jaunt is nearly done. Just one more...
Fact: The Silhouette Cabaret was open in Berlin during the end of the Weimar Republic, from 1926-1933.
Fact: Most of the images for this comic came from Berlin Cabaret.
Fact: The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari came out in 1920, the Bauhaus-style font appears in 1925, and a permanent wave was a popular hairstyle in the early 1930s, but the Ampelmännchen on Mr. Arrow's shirt doesn't appear until 1961.
Fact: The Theater Humanatee is becoming a projection of all my late-teens/early-20s sexual frustration.
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