Thirty-Eight: Anti-Missile Dismissal Missive
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No, #38 isn't exactly a 'comic' per se. I spent most of Tuesday getting caught up on my Google Reader feed (finally below 1,000!), wherein I found this story on io9 about making your own Tron poster, which linked me to the How To Create A Retro Videogame Poster issue of the Spoongraphics blog. And then I got a little lost in the idea and ran out of time for a proper comic... Oopsy!
The title is a pun that a friend of mine gave me. She took a linguistics class at Harvard wherein her professor pointed out the infinite regress that allows valid words that contain nothing but an unstoppable number of "anti"s before an interminable number of "missiles" (missile. anti-missile. anti-missile missile. anti-anti-missile missile. anti-anti-anti-missile missile... etc.). That kind of crap is the worst kind of pop linguistics. Oy.