Life After Ph.D. is a weekly webcomic that follows Our Indefatigable Hero, Mr. Dr. Rectangle, as he navigates the anxiety, depression, despair, and woe of modern life. Joining Dr. Rectangle on this gay geek entwicklungsroman is his significant lover, Mr. Arrow, and a cast of thousands ehh... about ten. Updates every Wednesday [or thereabouts].
Follow us on Twitter @LAPhDcomic!

S04eG - Lost In Time! : The Conclusion!

Originally, there was going to be a great denouement set in a shopping mall in 1986. It wasn't nearly as exciting as it sounded. Anyway, for everyone keeping track...

Satire: English was killed by the Viking invasions.
Satire: History was killed by the 20th Century.
Satire: Theater was *supposed* to be killed by post-modernism; instead he just died.
Satire: The Classics are killed quietly, off-screen, by a gang of Admins and Trustees.

That's it. Tell everyone it's over. You can come back now. I promise.

Follow me on Twitter: @dsbigham


S03eF - Lost In Time! Part 3: Turning Points.

Mr. Arrow is right. I've gone overboard. I swear this time-travel jaunt is nearly done. Just one more...

Fact: The Silhouette Cabaret was open in Berlin during the end of the Weimar Republic, from 1926-1933.
Fact: Most of the images for this comic came from Berlin Cabaret.
Fact: The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari came out in 1920, the Bauhaus-style font appears in 1925, and a permanent wave was a popular hairstyle in the early 1930s, but the Ampelmännchen on Mr. Arrow's shirt doesn't appear until 1961.
Fact: The Theater Humanatee is becoming a projection of all my late-teens/early-20s sexual frustration.

Follow me on Twitter: @dsbigham


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