Trapped in Mario World, Part 4 of 4.
And so ends our long, strange trip into Mario World. I love making Princess Peach say 'fuck'. I also love love LOVE the "70s Daddy" porntastic styling of Aquaman on the new
Batman: The Brave & The Bold cartoon. I had to use that somehow. I think this works. Also, in the first panel, Our Indefatigable Hero is supposed to be wearing Bowser's skinned body as a hat-and-cape (like
this), but it didn't work out very well, so he just has a decapitated head hat.
Some other fun Mario Bros-related links:
IRL Mario, from Pixeloo and
Realistic Bowser, from Mario Mayhem.
I hate how the word-action and the image-action can't (or at least don't) always match up in comics. Like here, by the time Mr. Arrow is saying "Oh boy." (Scott Bakula-style), his arm, which he had up during "Baby! Did you...", should have come down. And the thing is, I don't know if I'm supposed to be okay with these kinds of inconsistencies, and maybe try and use them for effect, or if I'm supposed to be working to avoid them. Oh well.
In other news... Two exciting developments. First, I've officially "gone public" with L-A-Ph.D. by entering it in a contest and a webcomic uberlist. I wrote all about it on my blog, which you can find
here. Second, I now have a link-banner for L-A-Ph.D. if you'd like to link me on your site! Huzzah! Here's the image:
